![]() “In Japan, it is said that words of the soul reside in a spirit called kotodama or the spirit of words, and the act of speaking words has the power to change the world. We all know that words have an enormous influence on the way we think and feel, and that things generally go more smoothly when positive words are used.”― Masaru Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water
Did you know that babies are 70-80% water, adults 65% and elderly around 50%? Access to clean water is as essential to life as oxygen and without it we would perish in 3 days. Making the habit of drinking plenty of high-quality water is one of the best things you can do to stay healthy and prevent illness. There is a friendly debate around the holistic health community on what specific qualities water must have to be deemed "high quality", but we can all agree that there is something enigmatic about water.
You might have experienced a moment of pure Zen when taking a relaxing bath - not really sure where your skin ends, and the water begins. I also remember my first time experiencing the beautiful terror of the ocean and feeling waves knock me down the first couple times. How can something so gentle and pure be equally as strong and at times terrifying? It's easy to take for granted the many deep and mystical qualities of water, one of them being that water actually holds low levels of consciousness.
You might be familiar with the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, speaker, author and honorary recipient of an ND certification from Open International University. His experiments with water and intention revealed that spoken and/or written words had an observable effect on the crystalline structure of water. Unfortunately, there has not been much research done in continuation of Dr. Emoto's original experiments done in 1994. However, in 2006 the NIH published a study titled "Double-blind test of the effects of distant intention on water crystal formation".
Perhaps as a response to the criticism received by leading science establishments, this study really took things up a quantum notch. Around 2,000 people residing in Tokyo focused loving intention on water stored in an electromagnetic proof lab in California. Separate water samples were set up as a control unbeknownst to the group of 2,000 people. Ice crystals formed from both samples were blindly graded for aesthetics and symmetry by a group of 100 independent judges. The results revealed that the water crystals that had received positive intent were scored higher than the control water crystals. The implications of this study further support evidence that loving attention, even from a distance, has a positive effect on water. It is not a far stretch then to say that since we are made up of water, what we say about ourselves, and others also has an effect.
We can use this information to enrich our communities by remembering that what we say to ourselves, and others affects us in subtle but profound ways. Maybe this is even part of the reason that we pray and give thanks for our food. The idea of focusing or speaking positive intent over water might seem new age but it has actually been a very ancient tradition in Catholicism where a priest would bless the water to instill purity, cleansing, protection and spiritual significance.
At Terra Quantum Recharge we have our own special water we serve thanks to a valuable member of our community who brings it to us fresh twice a week. The Kangen water we serve is 9.5 pH and aids in detoxing the tissues and organs of the body. We suggest drinking a glass of it before and/or after your recharge session to fully maximize the benefits of your session. As always, we thank you for being a part of our community and are here to talk if you have any questions or concerns. |
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