Welcome September!!! While this can be a crazy time of year for a lot of people, with summer coming to an end, back to school and seasons beginning to change, it’s also a great time to reset and recharge. I was reminded of breathwork this morning when my son was getting ready for school and had a ‘teenage moment’. (Asking him a simple question caused an explosion). I calmly stopped him and told him (really me) to take three deep breaths and let it ALL OUT!!! And that’s what I did. 😊
So, along with your Terra Quantum Recharge sessions, you can add BREATHWORK to your toolbox of wellness.
What is breathwork?
Breathwork is a practice that is thousands of years old. It is the process of conscious, rhythmic breathing for a specified amount of time. While there are many variations, styles and names, all types of breathwork offer a chance for personal transformation. Some of the more common methods include belly breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, 4-7-8 breathing. Or…. if “in the moment” like this morning, you can stop, take a few breaths and let it all out!
Why is breathwork important?
Breathwork is great for our physical health, emotional health, and spiritual health. It has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and grief, depression and anger. It can also increase your energy levels, boosts your immune system, increases self-awareness, happiness, joy, increases self-love, improves sleep, releases trauma stuck in the body, helps reduce pain, releases toxins from the body and improves digestion. As you can see, breathwork can have an enormous impact on your health…. It is a powerful way to access your body’s innate intelligence to heal itself.
It’s a gift you give yourself—a way to nourish your body, calm your mind, and restore balance in a chaotic world.
Wishing you peace and relaxation,
Holly & Team Terra Quantum Recharge