Cleansing, eliminating and detoxing is a natural process your body goes through to prevent disease and illness. These methods of purging toxins is the amazing way that our bodies are programmed to "keep house", maintain homeostasis, and preserve an internal feeling of "ease".
Within the Energy Enhancement System, your body will synchronize with the most harmonious environment that supports health in a gentle but profound way. A health cell holds a charge at 70-90 millivolts but the reality is that many of us and many of our cells are operating below this optimally healthy charge. The large majority of our cells will be brought up to 70-90 millivolts as our physical bodies have no option other than to synchronize with the scalar wave, but what happens to the cells that are functioning too far below (cancer cells hold a 10-20 millivolt charge) the millivolt to synchronize?
Well, the body prompt's apoptosis, which is controlled programmed cell death. This process is inherent to an organism's health and development. Our cells undergo the process all the time, but being inside the EES environment your body is able to use more energy necessary to "clean house" and expel wastes it does not need. Every single 28-36 trillion cells that are working to support you and your best life has a unique opportunity inside the EES to maximize health in a very powerful way.
The body has 6 methods of eliminating and purging waste: the skin (sweating and rashes), bowels, kidneys, liver, lymph, and lungs. Most people who enjoy the benefits of EES have a very easy time and may hardly notice purging of toxins amidst the positive lasting health benefits that are simultaneously occurring. Someone who has serious health concerns (which can be known or unknown) can experience things flare up as things process out. While headaches, tiredness, fevers, upset bowels, stinky body odor, or bad breath can be uncomfortable, it is all just part of the detox process.
It is important to know that our bodies are always synchronizing to our environment. It is a sobering reality that our air quality, drinking water, medications, toiletries, and especially food are poisonous to certain systems in our bodies. While it is unfortunate that our bodies "normally" sync to toxic environments, it is also beautiful that they know how to restore perfect health within the right environment.
To better support you with the detox process, we are following the suggestions of the EE System inventor, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Jason Shurka, and our own Dr. Rick who recommend detox baths. We sell an alkalizing bath salt blend that you can dissolve in a hot bath. We suggest that within 24 hours of enjoying a session in the EES you soak for as long as you can. If moving in and out of a bath is not accessible for you, you can also draw a foot bath as this will assist your body in drawing out toxins. Other ways of aiding your body in detoxing can include sweating (exercise, sauna, etc.), drinking plenty of purified water, fasting, and enjoying a diet rich in antioxidants such as dark berries and greens. As always, please exercise self care and judgement to figure out what works best for you and your health goals.
Thank you for being a part of Terra Quantum Recharge and we walk alongside you on the path to wellness and wholeness.